miercuri, 28 iulie 2010

SMAA - Social Media Addicts Association!

In traducere libera: "posedati de socializarea online" (nu ai cont de facebook/twiter/hi5, etc, nu existi). Pasii pentru auto-exorcizare:

5 Steps to kicking the habit
  1. Admit you have a problem but don't tweet about it.
  2. Accept that you don't need upvotes to feel validated.
  3. Understand the risks of poking strangers.
  4. Repeat after me: "Twitter and alcohol don't mix".
  5. Don't go cold turkey! Just delete one friend a day.
Ma numesc Dan si sunt dependent de Facebook. N-am mai postat ceva pe wall de o ora si deja simt ca tremur, nu am stare. :))

Sa vedem totusi za real addicted in action:

from www.stopwritingonmywall.com

Apropo, a aparut Starcraft 2 :D


Irina spunea...

Et tu?!??! =))